Holistic Wellness with Ayurveda

            Healing Your Life
6-week Ayurvedic Wellness Program

· HYL Interest Form ·

· HYL Interest Form ·

Live in balance with the elements and discover your unique path to well-being through the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.


I’m Harshla Singh, AHC, PT

Seeing you here gives me immense happiness as it means you’ve already taken the first steps on your journey to optimal health.

My mission is to help others connect with the true nature of their spirit and awaken their healer within. I do this by helping my clients integrate Ayurveda as a part of their daily life. Ayurveda is a holistic health system of yogic science. It’s a pathway to living in balance with nature, society, our own individual constitution and the universal consciousness. 

As an Ayurvedic healthcare counselor (intern) who’s been studying this ancient science for the past few years, I’m here to support you in treating the root causes of dis-ease, understand your own constitution and create integrated well-being.

Together, we will discover your unique pathway to holistic well-being with food, daily routines, aromatherapy, sound, and color therapy.

What is Ayurveda?

ayu = life

veda = science

Ayurveda translates to “the science of life”.

It’s a holistic form of health practices that honors the mind, body and spirit. It encompasses lifestyle, herbs and yoga practices. 

Ayurveda is considered the sister science of yoga. 

It’s rooted in India and has survived thousands of years of various rulers and political struggles. Thankfully India has preserved this science and it’s expanding around the world thanks to yoga and the growing interest of spirituality from the east. 

This ancient wisdom honors each individual’s unique constitution and creates a custom plan for them to cultivate optimal health. 

Why Ayurveda?

Ayurveda believes that each person is born with their own innate constitution.

Your constitution is a one-of-a-kind combination of various energetics and qualities. For this reason, the tools you’ll receive with Ayurveda are unique to you and you alone.

Ayurveda helps you foster a deeper self awareness.

This awareness becomes a powerful tool that supports you in making informed decisions about what you need each day based on how you’re feeling. You’ll have a variety of tools to guide you back to balance whenever you’re feeling off. 

Ayurveda focuses on prevention.

It addresses the underlying issues that accumulate and result in feeling unwell. Instead of treating symptoms, Ayurveda takes a holistic perspective of health and addresses the root cause of the symptoms. 

Ayurveda is truly intuitive.

This science is based on nature so when you understand the basic patterns and principles, it eventually become “common sense”.

Ayurvedic Educational Consultation

Together, we’ll identify your unique constitution and create a custom plan to regenerate an optimal state of health and well-being.

Here are the components of what working together will look like. Each person’s journey will be customized to their unique goals and results.

  • This first consultation is for me to get to know you. I will…

    • Hear your story

    • Take note of your medical history

    • Understand your health concerns

    • Talk about your health goals

    • Perform a full Ayurvedic physical exam

  • • You’ll learn about your constitution.

    • I’ll teach you some Ayurvedic tools to support you well-being

    • Discuss your unique path to healing.

  • • We’ll take a look at implementations and challenges.

    • I’ll provide support in challenging areas

    • Overall assessment about your progress towards optimal health

    • Change or continue with recommendations based on our discussion.

Take the next step.

Schedule a free educational consultation.

Fill out this form to schedule a free 15-minute call to learn more about the full Ayurvedic Consultation and create a plan for getting started.